Why do you need an independent service, providing information on optimizing health strategies?
However big or small your business is, your workforce is being affected by sub-optimal health.
Absenteeism and ‘Presenteeism’ (turning up for work when unwell) cause a significant drain on your business.
The average cost of absenteeism per employee in 2012, was £975.
‘Presenteeism’ cost was double that of absenteeism.
It is vital to address this cost by way of improving employee health, morale and motivation.
If you are a forward-looking company, I recommend you invest in health and well being of your staff.
Your organization will receive cutting-edge health and nutritional information, delivered with knowledge and passion, in understandable terms. Each participant will walk away with new information, a new commitment to their own health process, and actionable terms to get started.
I will work with you to create and deliver a talk or programme that is best suited to the needs of your business or organization.
Services offered:
- Stress reduction, physical and emotional
- Talks on a topic of your choice
- Workshops
- 1-1 consultations to address a full range of health conditions, as a staff drop-in clinic
- Improved health and wellness
- Nutritional services